Having a yard sale is a good way to get rid of a lot of unwanted stuff and make some money at the same time. Yard sales are good for the soul, because you reduce the amount of stuff you have to worry about during the move. The more stuff you sell, the less stuff that ends up in the landfill . In that sense, a yard sale is the best type of recycling.
The easiest way to set up a yard sale is to get a large picnic or banquet table and arrange all your breakable goods on it. Older kitchenware that you don’t plan on taking with you are always good items to put on the block. Keep your prices low to make things disappear faster. Sure, it might be a little jarring to see a formerly expensive skillet end up being sold for a few pennies on the dollar, but think of all the use you’ve gotten out of it.
Clothes are best presented hung up on wracks for easy viewing. Try and notify a few friends and put up flyers to get the word out. There are usually plenty of thrift store aficionados out there who can always be relied upon to grab some hot deals on vintage clothes. And don’t forget to sell those old vinyl records you have in the basement. Old records can fetch a pretty penny if they find the right buyer.
Another sales option is to bypass the yard sale idea completely and donate all your stuff to humanitarian organizations like Goodwill Industries or the Salvation Army . These types of donations are tax deductable, and, more importantly, leave you feeling good.
There is another nice benefit to yard sales. The social benefit. Holding a yard sale is a great way to mingle with your community and meet neighbors that you didn’t know you had.